His a Hasher ver. 1 volume no 1. (belöningar)


His a hasher his ok

Works all day come out to play

Drink it down without complain ore wear it well


Corella Song, Consecration of a Hasher (invigning)

Melody: Nick Borgen, We are all the winners


My mother was a Sea-squirt

My father was a Ray

She lived deep in the dirt

He fucked her anyway


My mama live without a brain

Left by my dad

No wonder I’m insane

No wonder I went mad


I was born without fear

Born without cash

Born with the need for beer

So I run the Corella Hash

Born with a need for beer                           

So I run the Corella Hash


Olla Olla (bestraffningar)


Olla! Somma somma somma!

Olla! Somma somma HASH!

Drink it down you ugly runner,

Drink it down you smelly beast,

Drink it! Smell it! Drink it! Smell it!


His a Hasher ver. 2 volume no 2. ( bedömningar)


This mismanagement waste our day

Now it our time they will pay

Drink it down without complain ore wear it well

Drink it wear it drink it wear it!


Why are we waiting, could been mustarbating

Why are we waiting,so fucking long!